Wednesday, February 08, 2006

So Dire, So Dangerous, and then Poof: The 2006 Buffalo News Short Story contest, which this year focused on mystery/suspense writing, attracted over 130 writers and Nancy makes an appearance in the First Place winner's story:
The roar of the water was a reminder of childhood, summer days flirting with summer flings, and the bittersweet promise of freedom implicit in every Senior Skip Day.

"The Bills make me want to SHOUT -" Angela hunted for the source of the song, clambering up the statue of Nikolai Tesla like so many Goat Island tourists before her, the bronze of the statue polished by their passing.

The cell phone in Tesla's lap was Michael's, of course. And as she reached for it, she remembered mocking his fanboy devotion when he played her the ring tone, that song.

"I see you were smart enough to listen, and come alone," the caller hissed, in a French accent as fake as Groucho glasses. "Now we shall see whether you are smart enough to save your brother's life."
You will want to read the rest of this story ...

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